The Harvest
When we started this small family farm, I was very unsure what to expect. Even to the extent of wondering whether anything would grow and not be eaten by deer / rabbits / bugs.
Our no-till farming technique has been labor-intensive. We refuse to spray any artificial herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers. We have battled the weeds and dug them out, individually, by hand.
But here we are overflowing with summer squash, cucumbers, and to a lesser extent, zucchini and garlic. We are truly blessed.
The tomatoes are ripening on the vine as we speak. We’re feeding our egg layers non-GMO and soy-free natural feed, and they should start laying eggs (God willing!) in about mid-August.
Frankly - we were not prepared for this bounty! We are beginning to visit neighbors with gift boxes of produce and business cards. If you live nearby, or are related to us by blood or otherwise 😂, please expect your “free sample” soon!
We are grateful for this harvest and for the opportunity to bring all of you closer to the source of your food.
Stay in touch with us here, on Facebook, and on Instagram.